Opinion: Conserving Conservatism Is More Than Just Conserving Conservatism
Conservatism is fluid, as everybody knows.
Much like Bill Kristol and my fellow Never Trump crew receiving donations from Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay and a personal hero of mine, I too have decided that principles are not actually needed in conservatism.
It should be noted, however, Donald Trump is a grifter, a real low life scumbag with two ex-wives and a third current wife — which is different to Charlie Sykes because, unlike Trump, Sykes is a great person who has never copied anybody ever— and a man who changes his political allegiance on the regular. You see, it’s not about the Republican Party at all, it’s about Trump. Everything is about Trump. My life is about Trump. Trump is my life. I think about him all the time, and about how we can beat him.
Trump was elected through an anomaly — people thought he was the right move for America, and I disagree, therefore we should make the vote null and void. Sure, Robert Mueller may have handed in a report — which Attorney General William Barr is blatantly concealing from the public to protect his boss, Trump — and, sure, it may have said there was no collusion, but you and I both know that Americans stupidly elected Putin instead of a real patriot like Evan McMullin, who wanted to split the electoral college vote and become President through the House of Representatives. A real man’s man.
Trump was another symptom caused by voters who think they want what they want, but they actually don’t. Look over to Brexit and see what is happening — politicians are outright ignoring concrete dates to push for deals that the voters don’t want, because in actuality, the politicians know what’s best for the voters, not the other way around. And isn’t that what life has always been about?
My point, if I may, is to abolish voting.
Donald Trump suggested to people that their votes matter. This is far from the truth and there is nothing conservative about voting, unless it’s for good friend Ralph Northam, or for Stacey Abrams, or for anybody that has the character of Mitt Romney. Mitt is a step in the right direction, the type of man who gets the job because of his connections, not because of what he actually says.
Trump is a demagogue.
“A political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.”
You’ve heard it before — “lock her up, build the wall!” — but the problem is that he actually wants to do these things instead of just saying them, which makes him dangerous and a direct threat to our democracy.
He wants to change trade deals and alter alliances. He should not be allowed to do this. Who does he think he is, the President? He wasn’t elected by me, I didn’t vote for him. He should stop what he is doing and consider my views on this, as somebody that will vote for Governor Larry Hogan in the 2020 presidential election, even if Hogan doesn’t run.
Please show support by tweeting #HogansHeroes.
Trump is a big fan of dictators as well, such as his friendship with Kim Jong-un. So what if he has met with many other world leaders over the course of his Presidency? I’ll always remember his friendship with the bad ones, not the good ones, because they’re bad and I’m good. I’m better than good, I’m the most moral person on the planet. So what if Trump threatened North Korea with nuclear war with the big button tweet? They are now friends, which causes my private military contacts anxiety because they wanted that war.
Did you see Trump tweet about how his popularity rating is now at 50%? What a loser. When I was growing up, the Presidency was not about popularity, it was about doing things that benefited the people around them, not the regular Joe of America. Who cares about the farmers? Not me. They’re way out in the country and I’m typing this from a laptop 50 stories up, drinking a glass of wine listening to Mozart.
Trump is an egomaniac unlike any other, which annoys me because he wants to claim that he is the best when he’s not. I’m better. I’m better than Trump. I will always be better than Trump. Trump is nothing compared to me.
I read a lot of great journalistic opinion news pieces from outlets such as The Bulwark, National Review and Slate, so I know that my conservatism is conserved. Is yours?
Join me in being a principled Republican and voting a Democrat into the White House, because the only way to save the Republic is through rampant socialism with an unaccountable — but completely worshipped — set of intelligence agencies to back it up.
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