Fictional Presidents: Unnamed President of the United States (Rick and Morty)
No.: Unknown
Party: Unknown
Term: 2015 — Present
First Lady: Unknown
First Children: Unknown
Vice President: Unknown
Cabinet: Secretary of the Interior
Codename: “Bluebird”
The President of the United States is an unnamed man who may have served with the United States Marine Corps.
At some point, the unnamed man was elected as the President of the United States, and later nominated another unnamed man to become the Secretary of the Interior. The second unnamed man would later be confirmed by the United States Senate.
The President does not care about his Cabinet, instead viewing the Secretary of the Interior as a personal janitor for the Oval Office.
The President is capable of being personable but possesses an angry and ruthless streak if he views a situation as being insulting to himself.
The President’s foreign policy has him open to discussing anything with any foreign leader, as he is open to both regular and peace summits. However, the President also has no care for other countries’ sovereignty, openly entering Brazil with the United States Army, and operates under the belief that his p
The President prefers peaceful solutions to warhawkish tendencies. This led to disagreement with the General of the United States Army, General Nathan, over the solution to handling the Cromulon Crisis during the interplanetary “Planet Music” game show, as the President refused to use nuclear missiles to strike. However, the President also prefers using drone strikes to standard military force.
“Our planet’s held captive on a live game show and your solution is to shoot the audience? You can put your faith in nukes if we get through this, General. Until then, I’ll put mine in Rick and Morty. Get Schwifty with a jam.” — The President of the United States
The President is capable of flying a Black Hawk helicopter without experience, a skill he built on from 2015 to 2017 with training in advanced alien weaponry and vehicles.
The President is fully open to using any and all conventional and unconventional weaponry to win a fight, including outer space satellite beams, brainwashed children, and invisible soldiers.
The President abuses government surveillance programs to spy on American citizens without appropriate warrants. At some point, the President also signed a bill into United States law to make it a federal offence to ignore his calls.
The President is incredibly defensive over America’s secrets, including a policy to deny the events of the Cromulon invasion to the point of directly threatening a child over it. At some stage, the United States Government successfully captured the water God Poseidon and imprisoned him within Area 51.
Further to this, the President’s White House is kitted with a hidden tunnel system behind a painting of President Abraham Lincoln, which houses extraterrestrial aliens and evidence of the United States Government’s involvement in numerous hoaxes, including the Moon landing and President George Washington crossing the Delaware River.
“Actually, if you try to tell anyone what happened here, we’ll deny it, and probably worse.” — The President of the United States
In 2015, Earth was invaded by Cromulons from the Cygnus-5 Expanse. In response, the President hosted a top secret meeting with United States military personnel and American scientists at the Pentagon, where two plans were devised.
- Send historical information of Earth to the Cromulons.
- Send explosives to the Cromulons.
However, the President trusted a man he had never met — Rick Sanchez — to instead create an original hit song to appease the Cromulons. As such, the President agreed with a stranger over his own advisers.
GENERAL NATHAN: “‘Get… Schwifty’? What the hell is that?”
THE PRESIDENT: “It’s our world’s best effort, that’s what.”
The President personally hired both Rick and Morty Smith as Earth’s chosen musicians to perform at Area 51 after an earthquake caused by the Cromulons destroyed the Grammy headquarters and killed Earth’s chosen musicians, which led to Earth’s survival with the President’s direct assistance.
As a direct consequence of Cromulon teleporting Earth to the Cygnus-5 Expanse, all astronauts orbiting the planet were killed immediately.
During the Cromulon invasion, the President suffered through a military coup d’etat led by General Nathan due to the President’s preference for Rick’s peaceful solution to General Nathan’s nuclear option. The President was subsequently knocked unconscious by his General, who then led an unauthorised nuclear strike against the alien race. General Nathan was then killed by Rick.
“What the hell are you doing, Nathan? I’m the God damn President of the United fucking States!” — The President of the United States
After the success of the Cromulon mission, the President developed a habit of hiring Rick and Morty for numerous tasks connected to his Administration and the United States of America. In exchange, the United States Government allowed the pair to remain free from prosecution in exchange, although they were unaware of that deal.
As a side effect of the President’s relationship with Rick, the United States Government placed a higher focus on scientific advancement for governmental use. This led to the creation of both shrink pills and a teleportation gateway, both of which are classified as United States military property. The technology itself is not as advanced as Rick’s personal creations. The President can and does use all technology created by American scientists.
The President also had the United States Government prepare for the potential of Rick turning against the them, although their preparations were based on a mixture of truth and lies, which led to a waste of funds and resources.
In 2017, the President severed ties with Rick and Morty after they lied to the United States Government, which eventually led to the President personally ordering their arrest on foreign soil, and their expatriation as Americans. This escalated to a direct declaration of war against the pair, now treated as a hostile entity.
“Task Force Alpha is disbanded, and you two aren’t American anymore! I can say that. You’re expatriated! If you step foot on homeland soil again, I’ll treat it as an invasion! — The President of the United States
Later, The United States Government and the President in particular earned a 100% approval rating from the American people for solving the diplomatic issues between Israel and Palestine through the Pretty Obvious If You Think About It Accord. The Accord was drafted by Rick without the President’s approval as a response to the President’s actions in Brazil.
“I’m flattered, but it takes a whole team to achieve what we did today.” — The President of the United States
In an Oval Office meeting, Rick attempted to declare peace with the President but it fell apart after the murder of a United States Secret Service agent in the Oval Office. Any and all attempts to eliminate Rick caused numerous deaths in both United States Secret Service agents and United States military personnel, and destruction of the Oval Office and various parts of the White House.
“You have the right to get the fuck out of my office!” — The President of the United States
While the President initially yielded to Rick after their fight on the lawn of the White House, the President rescinded this after Rick attempted to leave and officially declared him as an enemy of the state.
“So I win. Then I’m in charge and you can’t leave. You’re a terrorist. You’re an enemy of the state and you kicked me in the balls ten minutes ago! The Office of the President can’t co-exist with a living God that won’t submit to it!” — The President of the United States
The President ultimately formed an alliance with Rick disguised as Fly Fishing Rick to reset relations between the two.