Fictional Presidents: Nathan Petrelli

5 min readJul 16, 2019


No.: Unknown
Party: Unknown
Term: 2011
First Lady: Unknown
First Children: Claire Bennet, Simon Petrelli, Monty Petrelli
Vice President: Unknown
Cabinet: Matthew Parkman (Director of Homeland Security)
Code Name: Unknown

Nathan Petrelli, from the Petrelli Family, was elected as the Representative of New York’s 14th District on November 7, 2006 in a landslide victory against his opponent. Representative Petrelli possessed the ability of human flight.

“I’m thankful for the secrets you’ve kept. But let’s be honest: I can fly. I’m hardly dangerous.” — President Nathan Petrelli

The next day, on November 8, his brother, Peter Petrelli, unleashed volatile nuclear energy at Kirby Plaza in New York, destroying thousands of buildings and killing millions of people. Representative Petrelli met with Mohinder Suresh in his representative office and agreed to prevent the evolved human threat from rising again.

Soon after, Representative Petrelli announced to the remaining people of New York that the culprit behind the destruction of the city was serial killer Gabriel “Sylar” Gray. Representative Petrelli then became a pillar of strength for the American people as a direct result of political action after the explosion.

In 2007, the Linderman Act was passed.

Nathan Petrelli was later elected as the President of the United States after his presidential campaign was financially backed by Daniel Linderman, the founder of the Linderman Group.

“I’m the leader of the free world. For all I know, I’m the most special person there is. Lord knows I’ve found enough power. Met a lot of special people. Like this girl named Candice who allowed me to become President. But I’m done. I just want to eliminate the competition. I don’t need any more power, especially not after you.” — President Nathan Petrelli

At some stage, President Petrelli was murdered and replaced by Gabriel Gray through the use of an illusion superpower.

As such, President Petrelli possessed the abilities of telekinesis, shattering, cryokinesis, enhanced memory, melting, enhanced hearing, precognition, illusion and phasing.

President Petrelli was fully aware of an underground railroad for evolved humans, as his illusion and phasing abilities came from two users of the railroad — Candice Willmer and Daniel Lawrence Hawkins.

President Petrelli, at some stage, nominated Matthew Parkman to become the Director of Homeland Security, a position which was then confirmed by the United States Senate. President Petrelli also accepted Suresh’s medical counsel at the White House.

President Petrelli only trusted Mohinder Suresh’s counsel, and entrusted him with knowledge of his ability of flight. As such, he was estranged from his family, including his daughter, Claire Bennet.

President Petrelli was focused on reducing, or outright stopping, the increasing evolved human threat. The President refocused the financial budget on medical research to reverse, or cure, super-evolution within his first year as President, spending billions of dollars with minimal result.

President Petrelli later pushed numerous measures in an attempt to eliminate the evolved human threat, including the outlawing of breeding between two evolved humans, constant government surveillance and holding evolved humans to specific locations, although terrorist attacks and their population continued to rise.

President Petrelli tasked the United States Department of Homeland Security to focus on solving terror attacks involving evolved humans, which included a need to capture notorious terrorists such as Hiro Nakamura. The Department of Homeland Security also conducted routine sweeps across the United States for undocumented evolved humans, made possible through the Linderman Act.

Physical brutality by agents and directors of the Department of Homeland Security were permitted under the Petrelli Administration.

“I was elected to make hard decisions. I understand how things work.” — President Nathan Petrelli

President Petrelli also considered the possibility of genocide of the evolved human race.

On November 7, 2011, Hiro Nakamura — two versions from two alternate timelines— were both captured by Director Parkman, only for them to escape. President Petrelli later made a direct visit to New York to learn about Hiro’s time travel capabilities from Suresh. During this visit, President Petrelli personally ordered for Hiro Nakamura’s younger self to be executed by Suresh.

President Petrelli decided to declare a cure to the American people — a manufactured lie — in order to convince evolved humans to unknowingly kill themselves in false hope to unite humanity in grief.

Through Director Parkman’s efforts, President Petrelli reunited with his daughter, Claire, at the Petrelli Mansion, which was soon followed with her murder at the President’s telekinetic abilities.

“My fellow Americans. Fellow New Yorkers. Please let us take a moment to remember the men, women and children who were taken from us five years ago. Five bells… for the five years of sorrow.
Sacrifice. Something that we’re all too familiar with. We’ve all mourned. And we’ve all had to become soldiers — heroes — protecting one and other from this gravest of dangers.
This is a battle that none of us wanted, one that we entered with a heavy heart, knowing that the enemy was ourselves.
We’ve won battles the world over, not only against us that would do us harm, but against poverty, reclaiming the environment. But we do not forget the price that we’ve had to pay, the laws that we’ve had to pass to keep our citizens’ safe. To preserve our way of life.
Our hope has always been that a great peace is on the horizon, that one day wounds would be healed and salvation could be found. I’m here to tell you that that day is today.
I’m proud to announce that we have developed a treatment, a method to reverse the genetic code.
The first clinics will open up next month across the world, and soon… we can begin lifting restrictions. Cities and families can be reunited. And we can finally live without fear.
We’ve been vigilant. We have been uncompromising. And our efforts… have paid off.
The nightmare is over. The world… is saved.” — President Nathan Petrelli

President Petrelli delivered a speech at the monument to the explosion in New York to announce the opening of death centres masquerading as health clinics. Upon being informed that Peter Petrelli was still alive by Director Parkman, President Petrelli flew from the speech and revealed his secret to the world.

This soon led to a direct confrontation with Peter at the United States Department of Homeland Security, and the reveal of his true identity to him.

PRESIDENT NATHAN PETRELLI: “Brother versus brother. It’s almost Biblical.”
PETER PETRELLI: “My brother can’t walk through walls — who are you?”
PRESIDENT GABRIEL GRAY: “An old friend. The guy they blamed for blowing up New York, but you and I know the real story, don’t we, Pete?”
PETER PETRELLI: “You’re gonna pay for what you did to Nathan. What you did in his name.”
PRESIDENT GABRIEL GRAY: “What I did? When I killed Nathan, he had already turned against his own kind.”

What happened to the Petrelli Administration afterwards is unknown as the timeline was ultimately averted through the actions of Nathan Petrelli, Hiro Nakamura and Niki Sanders in November 2006, and the Shanti virus timeline was created in its stead.



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